Core members of the NTV RITES organization are seeking to build a sustainable land community, where we can hold trainings + art gatherings, closed ceremonies, grow medicines, create products and hold healing retreats for accomplices, allies and members. We are interested in a community model that starts on a 15 acre plot of land that will house gardens, sustainable homes built with eco friendly alternative materials, goats and other structures, like tipis for conducting NAC meetings. In the future we are hoping to keep bees, and maintain a few horses for local land travel on trails around the community.

This project will be a return to land for urban Natives and a practice in communal style living while still participating in the local economy. We want to use as much of our own labor and know-how for the project but are also interested in offering trade for consultations, and fundraising for permits and building supplies. 

Thank you for reading our vision, and considering us for your donation!


The land we, the founders and board Members of NTV RITES and TSLP, reside on is the traditional homeland of the Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Quapaw, and was home to many others. Even more indigenous peoples make their home in this region today. We have not yet found the land that we will be able to reside in, but when we do, we will partner with members of the tribes displaced or still nearby. We have not found the spot that matches our budget and living needs, so we cannot put anything more specific yet.

Since the time of contact in 1492, Indigenous peoples have been facing the catastrophe of colonization. A key component of the genocide against Indigenous peoples was separation from the land, destruction of communal living, and a dependence on colonial structures like capitalism and/ or government assistance.

To this day, colonial violence continues to disinherit, erase and limit access for indigenous, Black and Brown people to the types of projects that have sustainability and indigenous knowledge and healing practices at the core. The very people who created these practices on these territories or continued them on arriving into these lands are blocked from access to the natural resources that due to colonial violence settlers have access to.

We are learning everyday from people and organizations who have done this work ahead of us. The White Earth Land Recovery Project and Water Bear Cooperative Land Project are just 2 of these organizations.

Our first try at finding TSLP’s Home

Our first try at finding TSLP’s Home
