Stand on the right side of history.

Support a radical, sustainable future.

Help us restore relations to the land.


Native Rites is supporting the Three Sisters Land Project.

Why Land Back Is Right

The “fifty states” are the traditional homeland of over 500 diverse nations of Indigenous peoples.

Some institutions are doing better at recognizing Indigenous nations. This is only the first step.

The next step is to return the land to Indigenous people.

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How Land Back Helps

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As Indigenous peoples, we are caretakers of the land, water, and resources.

Our many nations understand the relations to the land that we need to live sustainably.

Land cannot be possessed, but only protected for future generations.

What We Can Do Now

At Native Rites, we are supporting the Three Sisters Land Project.

You can help us buy* the land where this project will begin.

*Remember that land can never actually be someone’s property!

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The Three Sisters Land Project

Members of Native Rites are seeking to build a sustainable land community.

We are interested in a community model starting on a 15-acre plot of land.

Our group will build sustainable homes, plant gardens, and care for animals — such as goats, horses, and bees.

The project will be a return to the land for urban Natives. We will practice communal living together, while also participating in the local community.